Monday, November 21, 2011


Donated a little to a good cause. There are so many out there. But since this is a small drop in the huge blogophere, I figured it wouldn't hurt to put this here:

Support Wikipedia

Enjoy! May Wiki be your guide...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The road to 50,000

I will be brief. I should be writing right now. No, not writing here. I promised myself, and my dear Californian Dreamer friend, way way way back in April that I would make a concerted effort this year to write. One way to do it? Commit myself to the torture and delight of NaNoWriMo: a month-long write-a-thon that has one goal. Write 50,000 of a novel (in the loosest sense of the word) between November 1 and November 30. That's it. Simply that.

Ha. Halfway through, and I've barely scratched the surface of 16,000 words. Right around 30 pages. Ugh. Motivation is there, but the thought of diving headfirst into the real meat of the story. The introductions and character setups are done, and now I have to commit to messing everything I've so painstakingly put together for 16,000 words. I am fully aware that this sounds very angsty, but there is something blocking me and I don't have the luxury of time to figure it out. I want to hit that target!

Something has to change. I will make this happen. I promised myself months ago.

I will keep writing short sentences until my writer's block goes away...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Cue the Ironic Evil Laugh

Have we hit Mid-August Slump already? Seems that my dribble, which should have hit an all time high by this point, has failed to even make an impact on my own life. Thanks to the information-laden, video-heavy, and distraction-filled world of the internet (read: my life), I have failed to make any kind of dent in fulfilling my obligation to a blog of significance.

Cue: Big, Mournful, Melodramatic Sigh.

One thing worth mentioning: I did promise myself that I would write more this year. Seems that the majority of this writing has taken the form of online chatting and texting, so far at least. At the very least, I committed myself to NaNoWriMo for the month of November. I believe my body shall make it through the shall be seen if my sanity will be waiting for me on the other side.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

For Shame!

I'm ashamed.

Committing the cardinal sin that many would-be bloggers fall tortured victim to: dedicating (in my foolish head) my efforts to a venture and then completely botching the whole thing. What hypocrisy.

So should there be some kind of "Mid Year Resolution" tacked on to this? Or will there be trapdoors in that timeline as well? I would imagine so, just knowing me.

Promise this time: more to come.